24 January 2011

My rowing weekend at the Blue Lake Rotorua...

...featured a barbeque cook-off. Six teams, one barbeque, 10 minutes and 2 judges.
It was a wild night - a tropical cyclone raging outside, no facilities bar a bucket of hot soapy water, a trestle table and a small pantry of ingredients, 1 knife between 24 people and a bowl per team.
The creations were impressive, ranging from spicy thai chicken burgers and impressive yoghurt and mint sauces, to Blue blue beef burgers with plum chutney and blue cheese dressing (my team!)
 My team were of course dressed for the occasion in MasterChef aprons and chef's hats.
 Six burgers presented for the judges - where's Ray when you need a caustic comment about garnishes that you can't eat!?
 Some very serious effort going into the judges' deliberations.
Unfortunately too many glasses of The Wright Off cocktail we designed for the event meant that I can't remember who won - but it wasn't my team. They say we cheated... Hard to believe! I think they meant we were cheated.

1 comment:

ann'svolcanic said...

brilliant!! so much fun