28 August 2010

Experimental Meringues

so I'm experimenting with ideas for the October chef-fest and I wanted to try meringues with marshmallows inside them. Which I made tonight .., they are yummy as only meringues can be but maybe not quite worth the extra effort of enclosing the marshmallows. Yet! My cooking colleague Gary suggested freezing the marshmallows so I can get the meringues cooked while the marshmallows stay soft and creamy... I tried this and it was definitely better but still not quite right.


my darling lemon thyme said...

That looks like a interesting experiment! Freezing the marshmellows first sounds like a great plan, like a bomb alaska. Good luck!

Christine Hobbs said...

Hey! thanks for the suggestion - I didn try that and also using a better quality of marshmallow made for a better result. Thanks!