Not in Australia though. All manner of things that will indeed bite you. Even though they may in another life be your food. Therefore in this instance dinner=predator.

This guy was funny - this part of his act called "Man Eating Croc"
LONE STAR forever
SISTER ANN REVIEW While in Palmy Luke and I went to his favourite restaurant. Chris, you are going to hate the fact I reviewed a ‘chain restaurant’, but it was too good to ignore. I didn’t take the camera, so I have added a few cowboy star stock photos off the net…oh and a lovly one of Audry Hepburn. If Luke had had his way, we would have been there every night. I had the fish,grilled, and it was superb-with a French accent . Luke had meat …it was big and Lone Starry. He went “mmmm’ a lot! So it was good, but he has had to eat food I cooked, for 18 years, so he is grateful to be able to eat what is on his plate. I joke. It looked fabulous and I am not that bad a cook (and Lone Star deserves better). Alexia was amazing as are all the Lone Starf (get it? Lone Star-f) But hey that’s what you get when you train people to be experts in customer service.
TRUE GRIT Script excerpt (or is that Wyatt Earp)
Rooster: I mean to kill you in one minute, Ned, or see you hanged at Fort Smith at Judge Parker's convenience. Which'll it be?
Ned: I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man!
Rooster: Fill your hand, you son of a bitch!
Brekkie in Palmy
SISTER ANN REVIEW . I was inPalmerston North for a 3 night break to see younger son Luke and we saw a terrific looking cafĂ© called AQABA. It seemed to be an Egyptian theme on secondglance, but on first glance it appeared a more expansive version of ‘Lone Star’. I am thinking it is a pretty fab bar at night. My plate was wonderful. I had a basil, tomato,pesto stack(with eggs) ; like an eggs benny, with the hollandaise, without salmon or ham…very very nice. Luke had the Big Breakfast (getting predictable Luke)
ANN ; ”How’s that?”
LUKE ;” Hash browns are pretty damned good”
ANN;” How’s the bacon?”
what did I expect? Overall opinion Luke?
LUKE; “It’s food- I don’t care!”
It looked tasty to me.
The till/billing system was particularly awful. The menus were on the table so you sit down, and after a little light reading, discover a line of copy,at the top of the menu;
‘pay for meals at the kitchen’. Luckily I stopped by the bar, as we were expected to pay for coffee at the bar, and then traipse 500m (it seemed) down to the back of the HUGE hall-like restaurant…. (HELLO HEllo hello-that’s the echo) …to pay for the meal at the kitchen counter. Not! Good! Enough! The staff were clawing their way to average. oh no…just missed that benchmark.